Looking for those nice lookin' shake profiles you can sit out on your counters or hang up on the walls of your Juice Bar? Well, you've come to the right place! Below you'll find tons of Shake Profiles you can use as a resource for recipes, nutrition facts panels, or even just to print a copy for yourself. We've organized this section just like your Manual to make everything super easy to find. Let us know if you can't find a particular shake — we're happy to help!



Chocolate Brownie

Pineapple Shredder


The Caffeinator

Antioxidant Blast


Apple Brown Betty

Black & Tan Chai

Blueberry Thunder

Body Builder

Chocolate Covered Strawberry

Chocolate Frosty

Chocolate Thinny Mint

Cookies n' Cream Extreme

Cracker Jax

Go Green

Go Man-Go!

Grand Slam

Jamaica Me Crazy

Java Jolt

Lemon Meringue Pie

Mango Crusher

Mo' Mass

Orange Creamsicle

Organic Cookie Crunch

Peaches N' Cream

Pineapple Express

Strawberry Slam


Mango Berry Burst

Apples & Green

Coconut Grove

Fruits & Veggies

Fruity Greens

Green Balance

Green Giant

I Love Veggies

Primal Power

Probiotic Power

Pumpkin Pie

Squashed Veggies

Veggie Patch

Banana Bread Batter

Berry Peanut Crunch


Chocolate Elvis

For Every Day

Healthy Holiday Nog

Heavenly Chocolate

Irish Potatoes

Mary Jane

No Guilt Lemon Meringue - Shake Profile

Nuts & Berries

Nuts for Pumpkin

Peanut Butter Cup

Perfect Pina

Pumpkin Parfait

Strawberries n' Cream - Shake Profile

Sweet Potato Pie

Thrilla in Vanilla

Trail Mix

Vanilla Bean

Energize Me

Mocha Melt

PB Cup Lite

Pina Cream

Pineapple Slim

Pink Lemon-Aid

Skinny Minny

Strawberry Slim

Triple Chocolate Truffle

Organic Berry, Berry Creamy

Organic Chocolate Cool Mint

Organic Commitments

Organic Cookies N' Cream

Organic Iced Mocha

Organic Jam On It!

Organic Javanilla

Organic Mango Crusher

Organic PB Cup Lite

Cookie Monster +

Energy Elixir

Stress Solution

A Great Start

AM Special

Apple Spiced Oats

Rise and Shine

Forbidden Fruit


Orange Tangerine

Strawberry Classic

Creamy Pumpkin Spice

Salted Caramel Apple

Pumpkin Latte

Tropical Shredder

Matcha Chai Tea

Matcha Mojo

Matcha Mint Chip

Pink Paradise

Pineapple Sunrise